Friday, May 7, 2010

The Film Critic’s Choice

Well it's Friday once again, the weekend is upon us. And as for those of you who still go to the cinema instead of going to the pub, (Unlike me who is unfortunately not going out at all this weekend) could well be deciding on what film to see. If you haven't decided I give you a quick run-down of all the films worth seeing, when close €15 - €20 is on the line you want to get your money’s worth.

Marshall has once again produced a film to entertain the masses due to his excellent casting. In the big picture, Centurion is a gritty, brutal chase movie that’s more about swords than sandals something Marshall might want to re-address when he makes his next film but for the moment we’ll make do.

The Last Song: 
Miley Cyrus is uneven; she can't seem to shake her bad habits of the quirky facial tick’s, but pulls off some of the more emotional scenes towards the end with gusto. She will get further opportunities to impress in more mature roles down the line, which is a good thing, given the final product here.

Iron-Man 2:
If I could give you one reason to go see Iron Man 2, despite all its flaws, its Robert Downey Jr. Whatever is going on screen you can't take your eyes off him; he's funny, likeable, and cocky so crucially, you buy him as an action star. He now owns this role, and I myself am genuinely looking forward to Iron Man 3 but I am a comic book super hero fan so caution is advised.
The Hot Tub Time Machine:
The kind of film you'd watch before heading out on the town to get you in a good mood, comparisons with The Hangover are inevitable; but this is genuinely the funniest film since that comedy juggernaut.

Whip It:
Some might write it off as a chick flick, but those that do will be missing out on a seriously good time. You will want to hang out with these characters after the film has ended - which is a place some TV shows spends years trying to get to. Barrymore is now firmly a directorial talent to watch, and Whip It is a damn fine first film.

Critic’s Choice: If I was picking I would go to Iron-Man 2 everytime but in all honesty, if I had to pick the film that would be worth the cost, it’s Whip It, with the Hot Tub Time Machine coming in second. Whip It is not what is to be expected and avoids the chick flick genre to a great extent and even as Barrymore’s first directorial debut it certainly is a good start. The Hot Tub Machine on the other hand is the kind of film you'd watch before heading out on the town. Both will of course guarantee you’ll leave the Cinema with a smile on your face.

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